Watch iAlja - page 4
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A chat with ChatGPT on AI chatbots as mediators
We sit down with ChatGPT to get the LLM perspective on AI-supported mediation, responsible product development, better governance, and more.
Watch on YouTubeStorytell Webinar: Building AI With Integrity
In this webinar hosted by Erika Anderson, co-founder and CCO of Storytell, I join Alix Rübsaam and Chad Woodford to discuss what it means to build responsible and ethical AI products.
Watch on YouTubeWelcome to ETHOS: Meet Your Responsible Tech Journey Companion
Meet the Tethix ETHOS seedling app and learn how we are planning to transform this humble seedling into a thriving tech ethics forest.
Watch on YouTubeTethix Storytime: Fire stories and AI golems
Tethix Storytime is a series in which we explore tech ethics with storytelling. In tonight’s story, we follow the mythopoetic threads from the initial theft of fire to gen AI golems.
Watch on YouTubeCodeCatz: Ali tudi računalniške aplikacije diskriminirajo?
Kot del interaktivnega projekta Enakopravnost spolov na sva z Mašo Černovšek Logar spregovorili o programerski skupini CodeCatz in o tem, kako je biti ženska v svetu tehnologije.
Watch on YouTubeNe le vseckaj, ustvarjaj!: Alja Isakovic at TEDxCelje
Na dogodku TEDxCelje sem spregovorila o tem, zakaj je programiranje in razumevanje tehnologije na sploh pomembna veščina, ki nam pomaga pri so-ustvarjanju prihodnosti.
Watch on YouTube