iAlja on YouTube - page 2
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to follow videos I upload. This page also includes links to videos posted on other YouTube channels.
What’s the role AI and digital tech could play in collective futurecrafting?
We dare you to dream, to imagine ways of coming together, both online and onland, and ways of taking the future into our caring, loving hands.
Watch on YouTubeHow intelligent do AI companions actually need to be?
Unpacking the shadows of (artificial) intelligence by exploring its history, pop culture references, and different contexts.
Watch on YouTubeStorytell Webinar: Building AI With Integrity
In this webinar hosted by Erika Anderson, co-founder and CCO of Storytell, I join Alix Rübsaam and Chad Woodford to discuss what it means to build responsible and ethical AI products.
Watch on YouTubeTethix Storytime: Fire stories and AI golems
Tethix Storytime is a series in which we explore tech ethics with storytelling. In tonight’s story, we follow the mythopoetic threads from the initial theft of fire to gen AI golems.
Watch on YouTubeCodeWeek10: Alja Isakovic
A short message I recorded for the 10th anniversary edition of Europe Code Week as one of the co-founders of the initiative.
Watch on YouTubeTech Ethics: More Than Just a Role | Talking Tethix ep. 1
A conversation with my Tethix co-founder Mathew Mytka on why tech ethics is more than just a role you hire for and what challenges await tech ethicists in the coming years as the field of responsible tech matures.
Watch on YouTubeTethix origin story
Telling the story about how the seed for Tethix was planted in 2020, the key learnings from our first pilot exploration journey in the Tethix Learning Archipelago in March 2022, and what’s next for Tethix.
Watch on YouTubeCodeCatz: Ali tudi računalniške aplikacije diskriminirajo?
Kot del interaktivnega projekta Enakopravnost spolov na Delo.si sva z Mašo Černovšek Logar spregovorili o programerski skupini CodeCatz in o tem, kako je biti ženska v svetu tehnologije.
Watch on YouTubeNe le vseckaj, ustvarjaj!: Alja Isakovic at TEDxCelje
Na dogodku TEDxCelje sem spregovorila o tem, zakaj je programiranje in razumevanje tehnologije na sploh pomembna veščina, ki nam pomaga pri so-ustvarjanju prihodnosti.
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