Blog posts about education - page 5

First Moodle Moot in Slovenia!

At last! I am happy and proud to announce that the first Moodle Moot in Slovenia will be held on May 18th 2007 in Koper, Slovenia. Moodle Moots are conferences for Moodle users that Moodle lovers organize all around the world (more info can be found here). Since we opened (an online co...

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Living the Web 2.0

The video Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us by Michael Wesch that I posted last week made me think quite a lot about my personal relationship with Web 2.0 (or the Read/Write Web as some prefer to call it). I think that the concept of Web 2.0 can really be understood only if you use and explor...

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iAlja Writer reports from Second Life

I don't know if it's just me, or is the Internet-based virtual world called Second Life getting a lot of attention lately? All the news and reports from this virtual world have finally caught my attention, and after reading the post My Second Life and the post Presenting in RL/SL, I have decided...

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Web 2.0 in less than 5 minutes

Yesterday I came across an amazing video presentation of the concept of Web 2.0 created by Michael Wesch. It's a short and concise presentation of some important concepts and ideas about Web 2.0 (or the Read/Write Web). I think this video can be a great starting point for a discussion or refle...

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Search skills

Today I've finally managed to put together a draft of a brief introductory manual on effective search that could be useful to all of our students. That's something I've actually wanted to do for quite some time as I really feel that search skills are very important today. Sadly, search is in my ...

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Why are our teachers afraid to share?

The Time Magazine chose you, me and everybody else that is building the new global web community with collaboration on a scale never seen before the person of the year 2006; but I wonder how many of our teachers really fall into that category?The Internet offers many opportunities to collaborate...

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Reinventing e-learning

(Warning: The following paragraph includes a quite affectionate praise of Apple - feel free to skip to the next paragraph if you are tired about reading about Apple and the iPhone ;) )Yesterday I finally got the chance to actually see Steve Jobs' MacWorld Keynote during which he introduced and p...

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The Search and education

I've just finished reading The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture - a book by John Battelle. As the title promises, the author presents the (hi)story behind search engines (where Google is of course a major player) and the impact the searc...

Read more - at last!

Yay! Today is a good day! We finally managed to open all content of the site to the public! is an attempt to establish an online community of Moodle users in Slovenia, so anybody from Slovenia that is reading this post and is a Moodle user is invited to join the community ;) ...

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M-learning (short for mobile learning) is another form of learning I'm really interested in. As a matter of fact, I've been a real fan of mobile phones for a few years now - which is funny because when they first became popular I didn't want to have one for quite some time (that was because I ac...

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The Psychology of Learning Environments

On EDUCAUSE I came across an interesting article by Ken A. Graetz with the title The Psychology of Learning Environments (view the HTML or PDF version) in which he describes some interesting ideas about how to make traditional classroom more collaborative, engaging and even enchanting for studen...

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No Significant Difference - in what?

Another interesting article I read on EDUCAUSE today was The Myth about No Significant Difference (view the HTML or PDF version) by Diana G. Oblinger and Brian L. Hawkins. The authors argue with the supposed no significant difference (for more info about this phenomena check out the official we...

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