Blog posts under the tag quantified-self

A week with 5 different personal trackers: how accurately do they count steps?

This is a questions I often hear when people find out that I wear a small army of personal trackers 24/7. And what’s the point of being a self-appointed guinea pig if you can’t do fun little experiments on your own quantified self, right?

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How do we go from sensors to making sense? (Part 3)

There is no escaping sensors that monitor your activity. They’re already in your smartphone and slowly taking over our buildings, cars and more. And there are countless apps that can help you monitor everything that isn’t already automatically tracked by your smartphone.

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The wearables and apps I use for self-tracking (Part 2 appendix)

As part of my quantified self series, I also wanted to share a list of tools that I’ve used for an extended period of time in the past couple of years to track my activity, sleep and more. I often get asked about differences among trackers and for buying recommendations, so I’ve also included a s...

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What has the quantified self helped me learn abut myself? (Part 2)

I know exactly how many steps I’ve taken in the past 938 days. And how many hours I’ve slept on each of those nights. If fact, I can compare measurements from multiple sources for a lot of these days, as I‘m currently wearing at least 3 personal trackers at all times (not counting my smartphone h...

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What is the quantified self? (Part 1)

Over the past two years I went from not wearing a watch to always wearing at least 3 (often more) personal trackers that monitor every step I take and every minute of my sleep. And that’s without counting all the apps on my phone.

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