Blog posts about education - page 6

Getting into the flow

Today I came across an interesting post in the Moving at the Speed of Creativity blog in which there's a short description of the flow experience as described by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. For a definition of the flow experience I suggest reading the post Flow, curiosity, and enga...

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MIC'06 Conference Report

Here I am back again from the MIC'06 conference in Koper (Slovenia) where I presented my article Communication in a Virtual Classroom (read the abstract). The conference was focused on management and business topics, but there was also an e-learning section. There weren't many papers in that sec...

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Podcasting: Getting started

Podcasting - yes, another of the new e-learning buzz words. Another buzz word I think that we should be researching and trying to find out how it could be useful to our students.And just what are these podcasts everybody is talking about? Basically, podcasts are audio files (usually mp3) that ar...

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What can we learn from the Lost Experience?

Lost is a popular ABC TV show with a pretty simple plot: a plane crashes on a remote island and the plain survivors get stranded on the island, which (as they soon find out) is modestly said a bit odd with a few shy monsters, polar bears, whispers, the Others and what not. Through the show we tr...

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Digital flexibility

I am young enough to qualify as a member of the Digital Natives, and although I try to keep up-to-date with all new technologies, I've noticed that in some aspects of computer usage I still stick with my old thought patterns that can be dated to as back as the times of Windows 3.1 (when I was le...

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Need help with Moodle?

So far I haven't been posting as much about Moodle as I intended to, so to make up for that I'd like to post some resources for using Moodle (for teachers):Moodle Docs - the official Moodle documentation about using, maintaining and developing Moodle. Moodle: Teacher's Manual 1.5.4 - a nice guid...

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More College Students Taking Web Courses reports that there are More College Students Taking Web Courses. Hurray! Of course, such articles can be very useful to support arguments about how cool e-learning is, but I think that they can also be a bit misleading. Why? Well, because in a way they lead to the conclusion that quan...

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Three types of work-changing IT

The article Mastering the Three Worlds of Information Technology by Andrew McAfee describes three types of work-changing IT (Function IT, Network IT, Enterprise IT) and the steps for managing these three types (IT selection, IT adoption, IT exploitation).Great resource for all managers that are ...

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MIC'06: Communication in a virtual classroom (Abstract)

Here's the abstract for the article Communication in a virtual classroom that I will be presenting at the MIC'06 conference. I will post the link to the full article when the conference publication is published online.ABSTRACTInternet is a communication information technology that can be used fo...

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What is E-learning 2.0?

Web 2.0 has become a popular buzz word and of course you can't have Web 2.0 with ordinary e-learning - so now it's time for E-learning 2.0! Confused? Yeah, I know how you feel. But I think that reading this article about E-learning 2.0 by Stephen Downes can help you to understand the meaning and...

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Let's go on a WebQuest!

Huh? Can I hear you asking what is a WebQuest? Here are some formal answers:for the impatient: Wikipediafor those that have a bit more time to spend and a bit more curiosity to feed here's Tom March's article What WebQuests Are (Really).Now that we are familiar with the theory we can see that We...

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Who wants to be a member of the European Parliament?

Coming from Poland there's an new online game that imitates the European Parliament. In the game players from EU (and other) countries can discuss current issues, join political fractions, cast their votes and much more. You can read more about this game in this article or on the game site: http...

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