Dear Browser, I wish you could help me keep track of my browsing in a better way. What do I mean? Well, lately I'm just finding quite some opened windows/tabs and had no idea where they come from or why I opened them. How does this happen? The usual process: in the morning I open all the feeds t...
M-learning (short for mobile learning) is another form of learning I'm really interested in. As a matter of fact, I've been a real fan of mobile phones for a few years now - which is funny because when they first became popular I didn't want to have one for quite some time (that was because I ac...
Another EDUCAUSE article that caught my attention lately is Scholarly Reputations: Who’s Got Buzz? (view the HTML or PDF version) by Paul Kobulnicky that tries to remind scholars about the importance of being on the first Google screen when searched for and also the importance and value of havin...
I already revealed myself as a Google fan in one of my previous posts and again there's some great news coming from Google that can be in my opinion be useful in education. Here's the thing - Google Page Creator now has some extra powerful features. As described in the post Simplicity and power,...
Podcasting - yes, another of the new e-learning buzz words. Another buzz word I think that we should be researching and trying to find out how it could be useful to our students.And just what are these podcasts everybody is talking about? Basically, podcasts are audio files (usually mp3) that ar...
If you don't know where to go or what to try next on the web, I suggest checking out these sites:Popurls - want to know the latest news, pics, videos on the web? That's a site that can help - self-named complete Web 2.0 directory. A great starting point to find interactive Web 2...
So far I haven't been posting as much about Moodle as I intended to, so to make up for that I'd like to post some resources for using Moodle (for teachers):Moodle Docs - the official Moodle documentation about using, maintaining and developing Moodle. Moodle: Teacher's Manual 1.5.4 - a nice guid...
Coming from Poland there's an new online game that imitates the European Parliament. In the game players from EU (and other) countries can discuss current issues, join political fractions, cast their votes and much more. You can read more about this game in this article or on the game site: http...
Today I came across the article Brain of the Blogger in which the author explains his hypothesis that blogging has beneficial affects on our brains and can help to develop critical and analytical thinking.Although I've been seriously blogging only for a short time, I can already agree with most ...
Two essential websites that list the best open source software:Open Source MacOpen Source WindowsRight now I'm giving Democracy Player a try. The player enables subscription to video RSS feeds and is available for all major platforms. Sounds interesting!Originally published at
So, what can you do if you're stuck on Windows and want to use Apple Dashboard Widgets? You can go to Widgetop - a site that imitates Mac OS X widgets in your browsers (the site supposedly works best with Firefox). The whole thing isn't as pretty as the real thing of course, but if you want pret...
Ah, Dashboard Widgets are certainly one of my favorite features of Mac OS X. There are many more or less useful tools disguised as widgets, so I've decided to post a list of my favorite, essential widgets that increase my productivity or just keep me company ;)Here are the widgets I keep in my D...