(Warning: The following paragraph includes a quite affectionate praise of Apple - feel free to skip to the next paragraph if you are tired about reading about Apple and the iPhone ;) )Yesterday I finally got the chance to actually see Steve Jobs' MacWorld Keynote during which he introduced and p...
These days I'm busy revising and rewriting some study materials for our E-business course. In this year we'll hopefully be adding a chapter dedicated to currently popular web tools and concepts. For this purpose I've written a quick guide to some Web 2.0 concepts and tools (although I think that...
Wow, Steve Job's Keynote at MacWorld 2007 has just finished... and wow is all I can say for now about the new Apple iPhone :-D For anyone who missed the Keynote here's Engadget live report and the first iPhone news. Why the new Apple gadget (much more than just a mobile phone) is called iPhone s...
Welcome in the year 2007! The start of a new year is always a time when we try to sort out the past and look forward to the future (if you dare, Google this: 2007 predictions) and so I decided that it is entirely appropriate for my first post of 2007 to be in this spirit.Today I came across this...
I would just like to wish everyone happy holidays and of course a great new year (already 2007!). I'll be taking the remaining days of this year off, but have no fear - I'll be back in the new year with fresh ideas and thoughts :)Originally published at http://ialja.blogspot.com/2006/12/new-year...
Today I came across an interesting story on Reuters: Popular gadgets may make painful Christmas presents, which reminds us about repetitive strain injuries (RSI) that can be caused by high-tech gadgets. And gadgets are no longer used just for fun; they are now an integral part of our everyday li...
Dear Browser, I wish you could help me keep track of my browsing in a better way. What do I mean? Well, lately I'm just finding quite some opened windows/tabs and had no idea where they come from or why I opened them. How does this happen? The usual process: in the morning I open all the feeds t...
I've just finished reading The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture - a book by John Battelle. As the title promises, the author presents the (hi)story behind search engines (where Google is of course a major player) and the impact the searc...
Yay! Today is a good day! We finally managed to open all content of the site Moodle.si to the public! Moodle.si is an attempt to establish an online community of Moodle users in Slovenia, so anybody from Slovenia that is reading this post and is a Moodle user is invited to join the community ;) ...
M-learning (short for mobile learning) is another form of learning I'm really interested in. As a matter of fact, I've been a real fan of mobile phones for a few years now - which is funny because when they first became popular I didn't want to have one for quite some time (that was because I ac...
Another EDUCAUSE article that caught my attention lately is Scholarly Reputations: Who’s Got Buzz? (view the HTML or PDF version) by Paul Kobulnicky that tries to remind scholars about the importance of being on the first Google screen when searched for and also the importance and value of havin...
On EDUCAUSE I came across an interesting article by Ken A. Graetz with the title The Psychology of Learning Environments (view the HTML or PDF version) in which he describes some interesting ideas about how to make traditional classroom more collaborative, engaging and even enchanting for studen...