The article Mastering the Three Worlds of Information Technology by Andrew McAfee describes three types of work-changing IT (Function IT, Network IT, Enterprise IT) and the steps for managing these three types (IT selection, IT adoption, IT exploitation).Great resource for all managers that are ...
Here's the abstract for the article Communication in a virtual classroom that I will be presenting at the MIC'06 conference. I will post the link to the full article when the conference publication is published online.ABSTRACTInternet is a communication information technology that can be used fo...
Web 2.0 has become a popular buzz word and of course you can't have Web 2.0 with ordinary e-learning - so now it's time for E-learning 2.0! Confused? Yeah, I know how you feel. But I think that reading this article about E-learning 2.0 by Stephen Downes can help you to understand the meaning and...
Huh? Can I hear you asking what is a WebQuest? Here are some formal answers:for the impatient: Wikipediafor those that have a bit more time to spend and a bit more curiosity to feed here's Tom March's article What WebQuests Are (Really).Now that we are familiar with the theory we can see that We...
Coming from Poland there's an new online game that imitates the European Parliament. In the game players from EU (and other) countries can discuss current issues, join political fractions, cast their votes and much more. You can read more about this game in this article or on the game site: http...
Today I came across the article Brain of the Blogger in which the author explains his hypothesis that blogging has beneficial affects on our brains and can help to develop critical and analytical thinking.Although I've been seriously blogging only for a short time, I can already agree with most ...
In this post I'd like to provide a list to some of my favorite education/learning related quotes. Why? Because I think they can be used to as an reflection on what we are doing as educators and how is this affecting our students - and although thinking reflection will not by itself make big chan...
Two essential websites that list the best open source software:Open Source MacOpen Source WindowsRight now I'm giving Democracy Player a try. The player enables subscription to video RSS feeds and is available for all major platforms. Sounds interesting!Originally published at
Since the first day I've found the work of an online tutor highly challenging and engaging. The biggest challenge for me is finding ways in which to direct and motivate students with their course activities, and getting to know individual needs and expectations of my students. At the end of the ...
Marketing professionals are already aware of the importance of user attitudes towards products. User loyalty can be won by regularly exceeding user expectations and giving them just that extra bit more to create passionate and thus loyal users. Products that consumers mark as good are on a good ...
So, what can you do if you're stuck on Windows and want to use Apple Dashboard Widgets? You can go to Widgetop - a site that imitates Mac OS X widgets in your browsers (the site supposedly works best with Firefox). The whole thing isn't as pretty as the real thing of course, but if you want pret...
Ah, Dashboard Widgets are certainly one of my favorite features of Mac OS X. There are many more or less useful tools disguised as widgets, so I've decided to post a list of my favorite, essential widgets that increase my productivity or just keep me company ;)Here are the widgets I keep in my D...