ETHOS, your responsible tech journey companion, has been replanted and now invites you to explore intents, take a moment for reflection, and gaze into Tethix Mirrors.
Is AI emotional lock-in the competitive advantage tech companies need to make switching not only costly but emotionally painful and harder to regulate?
In product design, the methodologies you're likely using don't typically invite you to think outside the present. Let's explore how nurturing a curiosity for the past and thinking further into the future can help you deepen your understanding of people's needs and design more resilient solutions.
At Tethix, we have a big vision for ETHOS, the Ethical Tension and Health Operating System. We’re now starting this journey with a seedling app that can help you cultivate a daily reflective practice.
What stories are our digital workplaces currently telling us, and how might we imagine and tell different stories that help us embody responsibility?
Why GPS-like product development practices such as agile should be enriched by taking detours with moral imagination and pathfinding.
Did you see Apple’s demo of their fancy ski goggles Vision Pro headset? Technically impressive, for sure, yet somehow it assumes most people will be using it alone in their unrealistically spacious and tidy apartments (or willing to look like robots when interacting with their own kids). Yes, the...
As a startup founder, you know you should be talking to your customers more. Every startup book you’ve read is full of examples of how customer feedback has helped shape the products you now love using every day. You understand this on an intellectual level yet when it comes to actually getting o...