Blog posts under the tag ux

When thinking outside the box, don't forget to think outside the present

In product design, the methodologies you're likely using don't typically invite you to think outside the present. Let's explore how nurturing a curiosity for the past and thinking further into the future can help you deepen your understanding of people's needs and design more resilient solutions.

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Discovering stories about digital workplaces like Slack that can cultivate a culture of collective wisdom and care

What stories are our digital workplaces currently telling us, and how might we imagine and tell different stories that help us embody responsibility?

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Can you imagine different devices?

Can you imagine how different our phones and other devices would be if they weren’t designed in Silicon Valley, where the individual is the center of the universe, where winning is always the goal?

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Our world needs more Collaborative Experience Design

Did you see Apple’s demo of their fancy ski goggles Vision Pro headset? Technically impressive, for sure, yet somehow it assumes most people will be using it alone in their unrealistically spacious and tidy apartments (or willing to look like robots when interacting with their own kids). Yes, the...

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